Tourist Office shop
Enter the Tourist Office shop at 1 Quai Cléon Griolet in Sommières and discover a selection of products, gift ideas and souvenirs to suit all budgets: local products, handmade goods, crafts... You'll also find a wide range of books on the heritage of the Pays de Sommières and guides/maps for walking and cycling. Stock up on good ideas:

Local crafts and products
Discover our selection of products from our partner craftsmen and local producers: jewellery, accessories, decorations, cosmetics, Terre de Sommières...
Hiking maps
Discover our selection of maps, topographical guides and IGN maps to help you explore the hiking trails in the Pays de Sommières. Over 200 km of signposted paths...
Fancy a sporting hike or a Sunday stroll? There's no shortage of paths in our region.
Maps : Pays de Sommières, Vaunage Vistre Vidourle, Piémont Cévenol (2 éditions : Des Cévennes au Coutach et Du Coutach au Gardon), Massif de l'Aigoual, Terre de Camargue...
- Topographical guides in Gard region and Hérault region, mountain bike trails in the Gard region.
- IGN map Sommières-Vergèze

The history of the Pays de Sommières in books
Discover the history books :
- "Le Pont romain de Sommières" : The roman bridge of Sommières
- "Vignes et Patrimoine" : Vineyard as Heritage
- "Terroir de pierres et de bois" : A land of stone and wood
- "Durrell à Sommières", Durell in Sommières
- "Villevieille, un village du Languedoc" : Villevieille, a Languedoc village
You will also find a collection of books on Sommières et Son Histoire organization. To find more :
History books...